At 3, third in E3 Korta. At 4, third in Norrlands Grand Prix, Sverigeloppet. At 5, second in Algot Scotts Minneslopp, E.J:s Guldsko, Olympiatravet, Uttagningslopp, third in Östgötaloppet, Sweden Cup.
At 2, Winner of Breeders' Crown, Peter Haughton Memorial. At 3, Winner of Stanley Dancer Trot. At 4, Winner of American-National Open Trot, third in Nat Ray Trot. At 6, second in Killerin Eliitti, third in Finlandia-Ajo. At 7, Winner of Criterium de Vitesse de la Côte d'Azur, Prix de Washington, second in Gran Premio Renzo Orlandi.
Super Bowl (US)
Star's Pride (US)
Worthy Boy (US)
Stardrift (US)
Pillow Talk (US)
Rodney (US)
Bewitch (US)
Flory Messenger (US)
Arnie Almahurst (US)
Speedy Scot (US)
Ambitious Blaze (US)
Ball Belle (US)
Florican (US)
Keystone Starlet (US)
Emilie Cas El (CA) (106 0,89) 1992 1.12,8a US$ 441,000
At 2, Winner of Canadian Breeders' Championship. At 3, third in American-National. At 4, second in Hoppelöp Bjerke, Fina Cup, Biri International, Fyraåringseliten, Rommechansen.