At 2, Winner of Matron Stakes Final, second in E H Harriman Challenge Cup, Peter Haughton Memorial. At 3, Winner of Breeders' Crown, Hambletonian, Historic Dickerson Cup, Stanley Dancer Trot, World Trotting Derby, second in Canadian Trotting Classic, Colonial Trot, Horseman Futurity.
Speedy Crown (US)
Speedy Scot (US)
Speedster (US)
Scotch Love (US)
Missile Toe (US)
Florican (US)
Worth a Plenty (US)
Prudy Hanover (US)
Star's Pride (US)
Worthy Boy (US)
Stardrift (US)
Prudence N. (US)
Rodney (US)
Prudence Hanover (US)
Delmonica Hanover (US) 1969 1.14,2a US$ 834,073
At 2, Winner of International Stallion Stake/Lexington Filly Stakes. At 3, Winner of Kentucky Futurity, Lady Suffolk, second in Hambletonian, Yonkers Trot. At 4, Winner of International Trot. At 5, Winner of Prix d'Amerique, International Trot, Titan Cup. At 6, Winner of Maple Leaf Trotting Classic.